Reclaimed wood - reclaimed history
The story starts in three different places and timelines. First timeline is the one of my grandfather Adam Kopacz, who was a traditional carpenter in all its aspects. Starting from wood itself which he was harvesting and seasoning by himself to later on carve and give form with tools made by him. The person that you could call a “maker” nowadays. He was the first one that showed me the ways of wood, introduced me to smells, textures and properties of each kind. Planted a seed which sprouted and grew many years later. Later on were musical instruments. Made of steel and wood in a small workshop in Cracow, Poland. That time was fruitful and brought a lot of knowledge on how to run a business related with craftsmanship.
The present timeline has its beginning in Cantabria, northern Spain. It’s here where grandfather inspiration met entrepreneurship and rejoined into a new inspirational project called Labesaya. The name comes from the mountain river Besaya on which banks was located first workshop. Now we are in the center of Iberian Peninsula, Castilla – La Mancha and it’s here where we find inspiration and motivation to create and develope new ideas.
Why choose us:
- Sustainable wood resources
- Attention to detail and aesthethics
- Personal approach to every client
- Made in Spain 100%